Well, unfortunately when it comes to my son being with his father, I don't exist. He takes him regardless of what I say, he does what he wants. He treats me as if I were an interference instead of the boys mother. He still lives at home with his parents, his wife & new son and when our son is with them, he's getting it hand over fist. What am I doing about it? Lots...courts, mediation, it's all in the works now...but in the mean time I tell him that his dad does things different, and when it comes up that his dad doesn't do birthdays, etc. He's 4...there's not much understanding on either side right now for him, but I'm working on it!!
I don't get invited to his meetings, again, I don't exist in his world now, and every step he takes in this direction is going to come back & haunt him shortly. I came to this site to learn about what I'm up against, and boy howdy!